岗位要求 | 引领国际科技前沿,在基础研究领域取得系统性、创造性成就,在国家重大科技任务中取得标志性科技成就;一般为享有很高社会声誉和广泛学术影响力的战略科学家。 |
岗位待遇 | 一事一议,按需个性化支持 |
岗位要求 | 在本学科领域开展前瞻性和引领性研究,取得国内外同行高度认可;围绕国家重大需求,对社会发展、科技进步做出重要贡献;一般为在学科建设、科学研究、人才培养等方面做出重大贡献的国家级领军人才。 |
岗位待遇 | 一事一议,按需个性化支持 |
岗位要求 | 具有博士学位、年龄不超40周岁; 研究方向主要为自然科学、工程技术等; 一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或科研职位,且具有连续36个月以上工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求; 取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力。 |
岗位待遇 | 年薪:75万+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入+学院个性化奖励等,上不封顶; 科研保障:提供科研经费200-600万(含国家); 安家补贴:提供安家补贴200万(含国家和地方); |
编制岗位:事业编制;聘为教授、博导,正高级专业技术职务。首聘期结束后经评审纳入长聘教授岗位; 博士生指标:入职前三年每年保证一个;入职前三年招收的博士后,薪酬由学校全额承担; 医疗等保障:享受高层次人才医疗保健“绿色通道”、享受“三秦优才卡”等高层次人才专享服务; 海外优青进入答辩暂未通过者,经一定程序纳入学校翱翔海外学者岗位,并获相应待遇。 |
岗位要求 | 具有博士学位、年龄不超40周岁; 原则上应有3年以上连续的海外科研工作经历,尚未回国或回国工作未满1年; 符合我校相应学科准聘教授岗位学术标准; 已在相关领域崭露头角,具备成长为国家级青年人才的潜力。 |
岗位待遇 | 年薪:55万+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入+学院个性化奖励等; 科研经费:提供100万; 安家补贴:提供40万(免税); 编制岗位:事业编制;聘为准聘教授(正高级专业技术职务),经一定流程聘为博导。 |
岗位名称 | 准聘教授 | 准聘副教授 |
岗位要求 | 一般不超40周岁 满足相应岗位学术标准 | 一般不超35周岁 满足相应岗位学术标准 |
岗位待遇 | 年薪:准聘教授51万+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入+学院个性化奖励等 科研经费:10-30万 安家补贴:20-30万(免税) 编制岗位:事业编制;给予正高级专业技术职务 | 年薪:准聘副教授40万+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入+学院个性化奖励等 科研经费:10-30万 安家补贴:20-30万(免税) 编制岗位:事业编制;给予副高级专业技术职务 |
科研启动经费、安家费及货币化补贴随到随发; 硕博导资格随到随评; 大力支持团队建设,保障研究生招收指标,支持招收博士后研究人员; 若为海外博士学位获得者,或国内博士且海外工作经历满 3 年,入校时可申请学校“翱翔海外学者”计划,入选后另获科研经费和津贴支持; 准聘副教授的师资引进主要考虑学科发展急需人才或符合学校绿色通道政策的人才。 |
岗位名称 | 特别资助博士后 | 常规博士后 |
岗位要求 | 取得博士学位3年内,年龄一般不超32周岁 | 取得博士学位3年内,年龄一般不超35周岁 |
岗位待遇 | 24-29万/年+社保待遇等约6-10万/年 | 20-24万/年+社保待遇等约5-10万/年 |
入选国家博士后相关项目,可享受相应项目资助和科研等其他收入; 在站期间,可申请预聘为学校准聘师资,获聘后纳入相应岗位管理并享受相应待遇; 可申请学校博士后公寓。 |
团队名称 | 团队负责人 | 研究方向 | 个人主页 |
飞行器及动力装置结构完整性科研团队 | 岳珠峰教授 国家级人才 | 动力装置结构完整性; 飞行器结构设计试验及可靠性技术; 环试与新材料开发 | |
复杂系统动力学建模、分析与控制团队 | 邓子辰教授 国家级人才 | 超大型航天器动力学与控制; 材料-结构-功能一体化设计; 超大型空间结构的力学特性调控与振动控制 | |
微纳尺度物理力学研究团队 | 李春教授 | 材料多场耦合行为的多尺度研究; 磁性纳米结构中的多场耦合特性及其调控机理的研究; 先进功能材料及其纳米结构特性的多尺度物理力学研究(实验+理论+模拟) | |
无序合金力学行为研究团队 | 乔吉超教授 | 非晶合金动态弛豫机制与塑性之间的关联; 非晶合金高温流变行为; 非晶固体粘弹性变形本构模型; 非晶合金微纳力学性能等 | |
装备和设施工程团队 | 王富生教授 | 重要国防设施防毁设计原理及方法; 复合材料强电磁损伤模型、击穿模型和评估方法研究; 极端荷载作用下桥梁结构的安全服役、国防军事领域建筑设施强电磁防护研究等 | |
建筑系研究团队 | 杨卫丽教授 刘煜教授 | 城乡规划与发展; 城市形态及城市设计理论与实践; 城市规划与热环境评估; 基于地区建筑学建筑与城市设计理论与实践; 新能源与城乡规划融合研究;住区物理环境优化与评价研究; 城乡遗址保护与再生; 绿色、生态及可持续建筑的设计与评价; 绿色住区与生态城市的环境评价; 历史环境实录及测绘、红色遗产展示环境评价、古建材料物化分析等 | |
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Recruit talents from all over the world and create a better future together.
With gathering talents, a high-end platform, generous treatment, and top-ranking children's education resources, School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture sincerely at Northwestern Polytechnical University invites young talents from home and abroad.
School Profile
School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture was established in 2003 by merging the former Department of Engineering Mechanics and the former Department of Architectural Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). Quite a number of famous scientists in mechanics, such as Ji Wenmei, Hu Peiquan, Lyu Maolie, have taught here, and have trained a group of well-known scholars represented by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as many leading talents in the fields of aerospace, national infrastructure construction and urban and rural construction. The School consists of Department of Engineering Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering, and Department of Architecture. Currently, there are 4 undergraduate majors in engineering mechanics, civil engineering, architecture and civil engineering (English medium for international students), 3 master's academic degree authorization points, and 3 master's professional degree authorization points, 1 doctoral academic degree authorization point, 2 doctoral professional degree authorization points and 1 mechanics postdoctoral mobile station.
The discipline of mechanics is the dominant discipline of the school. It was the first batch of doctoral degree authorization units in the major of mechanics in 1981, and the first batch of national units with the right to confer doctoral degrees in first-level disciplines in 1996. Solid mechanics is a national key discipline, while general and fundamental mechanics is the key discipline of the former State Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense Industry. The engineering mechanics and civil engineering majors are national first-class undergraduate major construction points, and the engineering mechanics major has been selected as the 2.0 base of the national basic discipline top-notch student training plan. The architecture major has been selected into the national "Double 10,000 Plan" (creation of 10,000 national first-class undergraduate courses and 10,000 provincial first-class undergraduate courses), and passed the national architecture major education evaluation of colleges and universities, and serves as a first-class undergraduate major construction point in Shaanxi Province.
The School founded the National Key Laboratory of "Clean and Efficient Turbo-power Equipment", the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of "Structural Integrity Technology of Aircraft", the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of "Complex System Dynamics and Control", and the Key Discipline Laboratory of National Defense of "Structural Mechanics and Strength Technology of Aircraft", Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of "Structural Strength and Reliability of Aero-Engine", National Engineering Mechanics Teaching Base, National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Mechanics and National Mechanics Basic Course Teaching Team. The School has made remarkable achievements in scientific research and talent training. It has successively won 1 first prize for national teaching achievements, 3 second prizes, 1 second prize for national scientific and technological progress, and 1 first prize for national defense scientific and technological progress, 8 Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Achievement Awards, and over 20 ministerial and provincial-level science and technology awards.
Under the NPU's policy of simultaneous introduction and education, the School has cultivated and gathered a large number of high-level talents, and the structure of the faculties has been continuously optimized. The School has 125 full-time teachers, including 28 professors and 86 associate professors. There is 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (double employed), 2 national-level leading talents, 6 national-level young talents, and more than 20 ministerial and provincial-level talent candidates.
I. Recruitment Majors and Directions
1. Mechanics: Solid Mechanics, General Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Micro-Nano-Mechanics, Physical Mechanics, Biomechanics, etc.
2. Civil engineering: Structural Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering & Protection Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Underground Engineering, Safety Engineering, Civil Engineering Construction, Civil Engineering Computer-aided Simulation, Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Aerospace Facilities Engineering, etc.
3. Architecture: architectural design and its theory, urban planning and urban design, architectural technology and science, etc.
II. Recruitment Positions and Benefits
Recruitment positions include Chair Professors, Leading Talents, Overseas Outstanding Youth, NPU Aoxiang Young Fellow, Tenure-track Faculties, and Postdoctoral Fellows.
1. Basic conditions: support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, love higher educational undertaking, abide by academic ethics and teachers' professional ethics, observe the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, have good conduct and physical and mental health, and perform full-time work.
2. Recruitment positions and benefits:
(1) Chair Professor
Position requi rements | They shall lead the frontier of international science and technology, and make systematic and creative achievements in the field of basic research and landmark scientific and technological achievements in major national scientific and technological tasks; generally, they shall be strategic scientists with high social reputation and extensive academic influence. |
Position benefits | Determined based on individual applicant, customized support on demand |
(2) Leading Talents
Position requ irements | They shall carry out forward-looking and leading research in this field, and have been highly recognized by domestic and foreign counterparts; focusing on the major national demands, they shall make important contributions to social development and scientific and technological progress; generally, they shall be national-level leading talents who have made significant contributions to discipline construction, scientific research, and talent training. |
Position benefits | Determined based on individual applicant, customized support on demand |
(3) Overseas Outstanding Youth
Position requi rements | They shall possess a doctorate degree and are under the age of 40; The research direction is mainly natural science, engineering technology, etc.; Generally, they shall obtain formal teaching or scientific research positions in overseas universities, scientific research institutions, and enterprise research and development institutions, and have over 36 consecutive months of work experience; the working years requirements can be appropriately relaxed for those who have obtained a doctoral degree overseas and have outstanding performance; They shall have made achievements in scientific research or technology recognized by peer experts, and have development potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in this field. |
Position benefits | Annual salary: RMB 750,000 + rewarding performance + scientific research income, etc. + personalized rewards of the School, etc., with no cap; Scientific research guarantee:provide scientific research funds of RMB 2-6 million (including national one); Settlement subsidy:provide resettlement subsidy of RMB 2 million (including national and local); |
Staffing position:staffing of government affiliated institutions; appointed as a professor, doctoral supervisor, and a senior professional and technical position. After the end of the first employment term, it will be included in the long-term employed professor position after review; Doctoral student quota:one PhD student shall be guaranteed annually for the first three years of entry; the salary of postdoctoral fellows recruited in the first three years of entry shall be fully borne by NPU; Medical and other guarantees:enjoy the "Green Channel" of medical care for high-level talents, and exclusive services for high-level talents such as the "Sanqin Excellent Talent Card"; Overseas outstanding youths who have not passed the defense for the time being will be included in the school's NPU Aoxiang Young Fellow position after certain procedures, and will receive corresponding benefits. |
(4) NPU Aoxiang Young Fellow
Position requirements | They shall possess a doctorate degree and are under the age of 40; In principle, they shall have over 3 years of continuous overseas scientific research work experience, and have not yet returned to China or have returned to China for less than 1 year; meet the academic standards for the positions of prospective professors in corresponding disciplines of NPU; have emerged in related fields and have the potential to grow into a national-level young talent. |
Position benefits | Annual salary:RMB 550,000 + rewarding performance + scientific research income, etc. + personalized rewards of the School, etc.; Scientific research funds:provide RMB 1 million; Settlement subsidy:provide RMB 400,000 (tax-free). Staffing position:staffing of government affiliated institutions,appointed as a prospective professor (senior professional and technical position), and appointed as a doctoral supervisor through a certain process |
(5) Tenure-track Faculties
Position | Prospective professor | Associate professor candidate |
Position requirements | Generally not over 40 years old Meet the academic standards of the corresponding position | Generally not over 35 years old Meet the academic standards of the corresponding position |
Position benefits | Annual salary:RMB 510,000 + rewarding performance + scientific research income, etc. + personalized rewards of the School, etc. for prospective professors Scientific research funds: RMB 100,000-300,000 Settlement subsidy: RMB 200,000-300,000 (tax-free) Staffing position:staffing of government affiliated institutions; senior professional and technical positions | Annual salary:RMB 400,000 + rewarding performance + scientific research income, etc. + personalized rewards of the School, etc. for associate professors Scientific research funds: RMB 100,000-300,000 Settlement subsidy: RMB 200,000-300,000 (tax-free) Staffing position:staffing of government affiliated institutions; associate senior professional and technical positions |
Pay scientific research start-up funds, settling-in allowances and monetization subsidies as soon as they arrive; Evaluate master's and doctoral supervisor qualifications as soon as they arrive; Vigorously support team building, guarantee postgraduate student quota, and support the recruitment of postdoctoral researchers; In case of overseas doctoral degree holders or domestic doctors with 3 years of overseas work experience, they can apply for the "NPU Aoxiang Young Fellow" program when entering the university, and will be supported by scientific research funds and subsidies after being selected; As for the introduction of prospective associate professors, talents who are urgently needed for discipline development or who comply with the NPU's green channel policy are mainly considered. |
(6) Postdoctoral Fellows
Position | Specially Funded Postdoctoral Fellow | Regular Postdoctoral Fellows |
Position requirements | Doctoral degree obtained in the last 3 years; generally not over 32 years old | Doctoral degree obtained in the last 3 years, generally not over 35 years old |
Position benefits | RMB 240,000-290,000/year + social security benefits, etc. about RMB 60,000-100,000/year | RMB 200,000-240,000/year + social security benefits, etc. about RMB 50,000-100,000/year |
Selected into a national postdoctoral related project, they can enjoy other income such as corresponding project funding and scientific research income; During the period of being in the station, they can apply for being pre-employed as a Tenure-track Faculty of NPU, and after being employed, they will be included in the corresponding position management and enjoy the corresponding benefits; They can apply for the postdoctoral apartment of NPU. |
3. Other supportive policies:
Beyond that, NPU also boasts a mature talent cultivation system, a strong academic and scientific research environment, and a complete achievement transformation system to create a safe and comfortable working and living environment for every teacher.
NPU implements the "Aoxiang Talent Program" to help young talents grow into leading academic talents and young academic talents. Young teachers who join NPU can apply for the Aoxiang Talent Program (including Aoxiang Young Scholars Program, Aoxiang New Star Program, and NPU Aoxiang Young Fellow Program). After being selected, the scientific research start-up funds can be increased to a maximum of RMB 2 million, and an additional subsidy of RMB 50,000 - 80,000/year can be received in addition to the salary of the position employed.
The basic education of kindergarten, primary school and middle school attached to NPU is the top in China. Relying on rich university resources, it provides the best educational resources for the children of introduced talents.
The School will provide additional rewards and support for new entrants selected as national-level leading talents, new entrants selected as national-level young talents, and new entrants selected as ministerial and provincial-level talents.
Supporting reward: supporting subsidies can be paid to the basic performance team every month according to NPU's regulations. In case that a landmark achievement recognized by the School is obtained, a contribution reward will be given at the end of the year as per the List of Landmark Achievements of the School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture.
III. Profile of Main Scientific Research Teams of the School
Team name | Team leader | Research direction | Team profile |
Scientific Research Team of Structural Integrity of Aircraft and Power Plant | Professor Yue Zhufeng National Talent | Structural integrity of power plant; aircraft structure design test and reliability technology; environment test and development of new materials | |
Modeling, Analysis and Control Team of Complex System Dynamics | Professor Deng Zichen National Talent | Dynamics and control of super-large spacecraft; material-structure-function integrated design; mechanical property regulation and vibration control of super-large space structures | |
Research Team of Micro-nano-scale Physical Mechanics | Professor Li Chun | Multi-scale research on multi-field coupling behavior of materials; research on multi-field coupling characteristics and its regulation mechanism in magnetic nanostructures; multi-scale physico-mechanical research on advanced functional materials and their nanostructure properties (experiment + theory + simulation) | |
Research Team of Disordered Alloy's Mechanical Behavior | Professor Qiao Jichao | Correlation between dynamic relaxation mechanism and plasticity of amorphous alloys; high-temperature rheological behavior of amorphous alloys; viscoelastic deformation constitutive model of amorphous solids; micro-nano mechanical properties of amorphous alloys | |
Equipment and Facilities Engineering Team | Professor Wang Fusheng | Principles and methods of anti-destruction design for important national defense facilities; research on the strong electromagnetic damage model, breakdown model and assessment method of composite materials; safety service of bridge structure under extreme load, research on strong electromagnetic protection of building facilities in national defense and military field, etc. | |
Research Team of Department of Architecture | Professor Yang Weili Professor Liu Yu | Urban and rural planning and development; theory and practice of urban form and design; urban planning and thermal environment assessment; theory and practice of architecture and urban design based on regional architecture; research on the integration of new energy and urban and rural planning; research on optimization and evaluation of physical environment in residential area; protection and regeneration of urban and rural relics; design and evaluation of green, ecological and sustainable buildings; environmental evaluation of green residential area and eco-city; historical environmental record and surveying and mapping, environmental assessment of red heritage display, physical and chemical analysis of ancient building materials, etc. | |
IV. Application Methods
Please log in to the recruitment system of the Human Resources Department of Northwestern Polytechnical University (//renshi.jsyl1688.com/rczp/index.htm) to apply for online registration, and upload resume, education, work experience, academic achievements and other relevant certification materials.
Tel.: 029-88431000
Contact: Miss Ren
Email: [email protected]